
Langley Park Golf Club

Course Status

COURSE OPEN. Trollies ok but carry if you can to protect the course. Buggies not to be used due to unsuitable ground conditions. Ladies Yellow Ball Comp 1st Tee 9.00-10.30 12th Tee 11.15-1.00 Construction work going on at the 4th stream bridges t Updated: 11th Feb 2025

Pace of Play

Policy on Pace of Play at LPGC

Under the Rules of Golf a round is meant to be played at a prompt pace. This is key to the enjoyment of our game so this “Pace of Play” policy sets out the main ways in which a round of golf is to be played and managed at LPGC in order to ensure a prompt pace.

1. Important Note: The terms “standing” and “no standing” no longer exist in the Rules of Golf. The emphasis is on pace of play.

2. The schedule of agreed LPGC Tee Times is attached in the Annex. These tee times have been carefully designed so that 2 ball games stay ahead of 3/4 balls, not only at the start of a round but particularly at crossover. These tee times are to be observed at all times.

3. Marshals will be on duty at busy times. Non priority games may only start from the wrong tee when directed by the marshal, or otherwise with the agreement of the pro shop.

4. Players are always expected to allow a faster group or individual to play through. Priority on the course goes to the faster group or individual . Not letting them through can result in everyone behind being held up. Marshals can request that your group stand aside & lets a faster group through. This should also happen when the marshals are not present in order to maintain the pace of play

5. At busy times at LPGC, such as weekends and competition days, the following applies:
Stroke Play:
• Play ready golf at all times
• Get to your ball quickly do not idle
• Prepare to play as soon as it is your turn
• Take no more than 40 seconds for your shot once it is your turn.
Match Play
• All the above applies but you must seek agreement of an opponent to play out of turn
When playing stableford you should pick your ball up once you can’t score any points on the hole.

6. All golfers are always expected to :
• Walk briskly
• Clear the green and move to the next tee quickly
• Deal with score cards at the next tee
• Be ready to play your shot as soon as it is your turn.
• All golfers are always expected to :

7. Average Round times at Langley Park
• A 2 ball round should take no more than 3 Hours 15mins
• A 3 ball round should take no more than 3 hours 45 mins
• A 4 ball round should take no more than 4 hours

Langley Park Golf Club

Barnfield Wood Road,

Telephone: 020 8658 6849

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